What if You Got an Epic 30 Second Teaser-Trailer of People You Met

Cheshta Pant
4 min readJul 26, 2023


There are only two kinds of people on the planet- the first ones being the folks who decipher the entire movie plot from its teaser. Then there are the ones who absolutely hate teasers, claiming that they spoil all the suspense of a movie.

Well, I definitely fall under the first group of people. Being able to put together the pieces of a storyline into a logical sequence gives me quite the dopamine pump I need sometimes.

Now imagine a situation where every person you ever met, came with a teaser. How would it be, if you could get a sneak-peek into their lives? (Like Wednesday Addams, but less dramatic. Check out the series Wednesday on Netflix, if you don’t get what I mean)

Before we get started, here are some words that you should check out, for a better reading experience.

Friend Alert

A visual representation of my friend and I laughing at a Racoon meme.

It's an easy Sunday morning, and you're taking a stroll along your neighbourhood park. You see a man approach you, as if wanting to strike up a conversation. He extends his arms, expecting to shake hands with you. You do so, and….

There it is. A jumbled up, hazy sequence of clippings from his past and his future plays in front of your eyes. There're random memories of having played hide-and-seek as a child, from coffee breaks and from racoon memes (what? I love racoon memes! They make my soul happy). Then there are clippings from yet to happen events- him asking you for directions, acing a presentation at work, and you laughing at a racoon meme.

Wait, you in his life events, laughing at a meme?

Wouldn't that be a great way to know that you'd be gaining a new friend! Honestly, I’d be over the moon if I got a teaser of a destined friend. It would make communication so much better. I like to get a heads up on events, you know.

Self-Fulfilling Prophesies

Self-fulfilling prophesies are pretty paradoxical and get you thinking.

You’re sitting at a table with your best friend at your favourite cafe, chatting away into a blissful evening.

Your conversation goes something like this-

She: …. and yeah, that's how the party was. We had quite a blast, to be honest.

You: I totally missed out on it. Well, I'll come along with you, the next time you get invited for one, for sure.

She: Of course, you will. You have to. Things are always better when you're there with me.

You: Aww. That’s ….

And the trailer starts. You see scenes from her tweens, her early twenties and her future. But one scene in particular breaks your heart. You see her betraying your friendship, and backstabbing you (not literally, guys. Take a chill-pill). The next scene confuses you even more- the both of you on a trip, happily trekking with backpacks on your shoulders.

What would you do in such a situation? Personally, the fact that my best friend could backstab me would scar me for a long time. I would probably distance myself to avoid getting emotionally hurt.

But think about this- could you distancing yourself, for reasons unknown to her, ultimately lead to her backstabbing you out of spite? That would be quite a self-fulfilling prophecy!

But then, what about the trek?

Double Trouble

Your neighbourhood Batman

This has to be one of the most apparent advantages of being able to witness people’s lives like a trailer. You could be a superhero! Imagine being able to save people from disasters that could potentially kill them, and that too because you managed to reach the right place at the right time.

The city needs me could be your mantra. That is, if you're Batman. (there's a limit to delusion though. You can’t be Batman. He’s the O.G, one and only)

But again, imagine how pressurizing and exhausting it would be to do so: Afterall, someone's life now depends on you saving them on time. And this has to be done when you're definitely not Batman and have your own commitments to give time to.

That was it for the trailers! I guess you would all agree that seeing the trailers has its own benefits and downsides.

So, think hard before you pray to the gods for this ability!



Cheshta Pant

Learning new stuff gives me a dopamine rush. I write on topics mainly related to science and society, and occasionally on those that are fictional.